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our Mission & Purpose
The purpose of FLEX is to provide freshmen with an opportunity to expand their Aggie Network through meeting new freshmen, upperclassmen, and guest speakers. This is an opportunity for freshmen to develop, mature, and build lasting friendships through social events and service to the community, both on and off campus. It is our mission to foster a supportive, inclusive, and nurturing environment that upholds the integrity of our organization and guides freshmen into becoming leaders at Texas A&M. FLEX encourages its members to pursue the best versions of themselves, and equips freshmen to leave a positive impact at Texas A&M and beyond.


FLEX freshmen are sorted into 5 subcommittees or "zones" led by 3 Zone Leaders: Fundraising, Leadership Development, Public Relations, Service and Social.


Each semester, in addition to weekly mandatory general and zone meetings, members must obtain points to remain an active member of FLEX.

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